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Aruna Antonella Handa is a composer and vocalist, an artist, a broadcaster, and the founding salonnière of the Future Food Salon.
Currently, she is planning a tour following the release of “Have You Seen My Sister?”, a collaborative, international arts project on gender-based violence. The recording, a response to the global surge in gender-based violence during the pandemic, has been nominated Single of the Year, by the Canadian Folk Music Awards, 2024. Together with her band, Aruna & the Sirens, she is gearing up to release another single “City Hotel” and then her new album with “Of Bones & Addicts” which includes her song suite on addiction and recovery. A tour will follow.

In the second half of 2025 “Voyage to Anthropocene”, the latest iteration of the Future Food Salon, is scheduled to launch. There have been pandemic related delays, and this means that the salon to come will be bigger and better than ever. Sign up to the mailing list to keep tabs on exciting developments and offers.

Aruna is also a journalist whose columns on the future of food and sustainability regularly appear in markets across the country on CBC Radio One. Her radio special, co-produced and co-hosted with CBC’s Shauna Powers, the Future Food Radio Hour, is available for download or to listen on the CBC radio website or here.